I'm no deadfish

Unfortunately my kinda thinking is not a single disciplinary thinking. That's why my formal education backgrounds are so colorful. I cannot decide (until now!) which discipline I'm very good at. Maybe discipline of being independent is what I'm good at since high school. Hehehe. I take it as my current weakness. When I proposed my idea on characteristics of intrapreneurship, I thought (and hoped) it would be a single discipline work (psychology work of art). I was given input from many people about the interdisciplinary nature of that future work, and that should be suitable to some business schools. Nooooooo....I want it as psychological as possible! I don't want business school. I already got an offer to a business school at NUS, but I was not allowed to do that! It must be in the psychology department. Booohooohooooo.....

This morning while stuffing my head with new strategy, I smelled dead bodies on my way to office. I was afraid Ryan had reached UI to spread horror here. But no...it's not Ryan at all. Hehehe. It was the smell of deadfish, tens of thousands of deadfish in the drainage ditch! It's like some wicked people had poured something poisonous to the poor drainage ditch and killed the poor fishes. They all went to follow the current...and suddenly I realized that "I AM NO DEAD FISH...BECAUSE ONLY DEAD FISH FOLLOWS THE CURRENT!"