
“I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might humbly learn to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hope for; almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I among all men am truly blessed”

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Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

I am an ordinary woman with extraordinary interest in everything

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Today I didn't do anything at all...(lho kok enak?!) except watching a friend of mine struggling through the final examination of her doctoral degree promotion. She was really struggling there, so she could earn a cum laude predicate. But seeing her tried to answer all the questions, I empathized her...really empathized her, my heart started to beat quickly, sweated out, and all the body reactions I might experience as if I was in her position, being asked by the examinators.

Finally she got a cum laude for the dissertation. Though she's judged as a naive person by the examinators (by the answers she provided), she just could do it! There I realized, that the Ph.D degree is comprised of: 1% intelligence and 99% sweat and persistence. Hehehe...Maybe Edison was right.

I was having cuttlefish for lunch. I felt guilty to eat squid (friend of sponge bob) for lunch, afterwards I head a bad headache. That's why I couldn't do anything until now. I'm really really sorry, Squid...I won't eat you for maybe a week?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Today's suck!

Today I'm sooooo busy I can't do anything else except working on new psychology courses. Socialization, playing puzzle game, blogging, checking emails and chatting were far far away. Let alone my detective business on huntsville's mystery files. Shhhhhh....that's the kinds of business I do to keep me sane!

Now I'm forcing myself to open a new window instead of the courses windows (yeap you're right, many many windows for the psychology courses since we have seven concentrations in applied psychology!). I'm glad I could do it and get away temporarily from the brain squeezing work. That's an achievement for me since I'm a very responsible person here (AHA!) and think they're using me. Someday I will get u all, folks! I have my own turf.

That's all for now...have to get back to work. Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......I was looking at my face in the mirror just now, a very pale face, and suddenly I realized I'm very beautiful with a pale face, like one of the Adam's family. Too bad I didn't take a picture of me hehehe...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today I get a happy birthday card from my birthday is tomorrow, but what's the difference? it's only 24 hours away. huhuhuhu...I'm getting older...huhuhuu, and have nothing to be proud of...huhuhuhu....

There...there...not that I regret my life though. Am always thankful for every happening in my life. Every blessing, every effort, every achievement, every superior that I love, every mom and dad I love (well I only have one mom and one dad), every friend, every person in my life, every ambition I have, every healthy state I live day by day, every smart president I'm having right now hehe, every vice president that I'm not proud of, simply everything around me. Thank God.

But I'm only human. It's my nature to get pity of myself. Teach me how to count my blessings, Lord. Teach me how to be positive in everything, so that I will live a healthy, wealthy and happy life.

Thank you for those who sent me emails, sms, phone calls, hugs and kisses, prayings, begging for a treat and so on. Thank you for my family, friends and enemies (I don't have any enemy!!) And....Happy birthday to me.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ruwat nasional ato ganti nama?

Bulan ketiga tahun ini baru dimulai, tapi bencana demi bencana tak juga kunjung selesai di bumiku tercinta ini. Bencana alam, bencana kemanusiaan, bencana karena human error, bencana karena system error? You name it, we have it...prinsipnya kayak biro konsultan yang bisa apa aja.

Belum selesai keterperangahan karena Sumatera Barat baru saja digoncang gempa berkekuatan 5,8 SR, ada lagi bencana longsor di NTT. Sebelumnya kapal Levina yang habis terbakar, tenggelam seolah-olah tidak ingin diselidiki penyebab kebakarannya. Lha kemarin, tiba-tiba mendengar berita Garuda gagal landing di bandara Adisucipto. Hwarakaduh! (ini nick-nya siapa ya? Aryo ato Asep?) Garuda yang paling dipercaya saja tidak luput dari musibah? Oh nasib...

Di antara korban selamat, ada Pak Adrianus, gurubesar FISIP UI yang juga ngajar di tempatku. Syukurlah beliau tidak apa-apa. Meskipun 20% badannya terbakar, dia masih bisa diwawancara walau kelihatan agak shock. Kuwalat aja kali dianya, karena pada hari yang sama dia seharusnya menghadiri pengukuhan gurubesar Dekannya. Kemungkinan besar Pak Adrianus punya fobia baru sekarang, fobia landing.

Pak Wilman yang baru kembali dari Bali beberapa waktu yang lalu cerita tentang hasil ngobrol-ngobrolnya dengan orang Bali. Ada yang bilang, pemimpin negara ini punya nama yang salah kaprah. "Kalla" dalam bahasa Bali berarti penghisap darah, dan "Bambang" berarti kuburan. Apakah SBY dan JK perlu ganti nama? Ato Indonesia diruwat kembali?

Yang jelas, bukan hanya Garuda saja yang kena getahnya. Gue bersama dua dosen lain yang berencana berangkat ke Yogyakarta dan Surabaya minggu depan, langsung membatalkan penerbangan. Padahal kita sudah memilih Garuda yang katanya safer than any other flights in Indonesia. Pembatalan ini membuat otak gue kudu jungkir balik, karena no matter what buku yang sedang kami selesaikan kudu kelar dalam bulan ini. Tetapi bagaimana caranya tanpa ke Yogya dan Surabaya, buku tetap kelar? Mudah-mudahan UI, IPB dan ITB bisa fill in the blanks deh. Artinya gue kudu kerja keras di 3 perguruan tinggi ini dalam dua minggu. Hhhhhh......kapan ya bisa jalan-jalan ke Sulawesi? Lho?! Janjinya Pak Yuhara sih, kalau buku sudah kelar bisa jalan-jalan ke Sulawesi. Asyiiiikkk...tapi naik apa??