
“I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might humbly learn to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hope for; almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I among all men am truly blessed”

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Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

I am an ordinary woman with extraordinary interest in everything

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, INDONESIA!

Tomorrow INDONESIA is already 64 years old, pretty old for a young nation (they always consider INDONESIA as a young country by labeling it as DEVELOPING country). For a man, 64 y.o. is considered very mature, already 9 years of retirement for private and public employees, and one more year of service for faculty members. You should be ready not to bother any human being afterwards, find yourself useful (wiser) in the time of (considered) uselessness, and not everybody succeed to get through this.

For a nation, nothing like retirement would happen, unless it failed to become a nation anymore. Year after year, the nation has to struggle to defend it's independence, try to find it's allies because as John Donne says,"No man is an island, entire of itself". Indonesia cannot fully be independence, it needs friends all around the world. Befriend every nations on earth so we find this mother earth as a beautiful place to live.

Just like living with you beloved ones, sometimes you are proud of your nation, sometimes you're mad at it. Just don't do harm to your beloved one, no matter how mad you are with it, or you will have to loose it for good. Is that what you are doing while terrorizing your own folks? What has your country done to you, to have you hurt it badly not just physically but also mentally? Do you know what consequences you have made to your family and your nation? Your families are hurt badly by your action and they might get expelled from their communities. Is that what you want? Indonesia is considered as hazardous country, no one's willing to come and invest in this country and the country remains isolated (if it's ever called a country). Is that what you want?

So please...don't do harm to Indonesia anymore. DIRGAHAYU INDONESIA, MERDEKA!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Noordin M Top and Ibrohim

Last weekend, while doing a terrorizing work of RKAT at the office (I don't know how secret it was but we were only allowed to do that in office so I spent my precious weekend at the office, sighhhhh), I watched the reality show on TV. I didn't watch it seriously tough, not only because the RKAT needed half of my brain, it's the most boring film I ever had. People were busy watching TV too I guess, the longest show in the world. It was only lasted after 18 hours playing!

Not that I am cynical of Densus 88 (they were doing their job great!!) but the fact that this "Noordin" is soooooo great no one's dare to come in close contact with him. So despite the boring film, Ibrohim (they tought it was Noordin at that time) was really a case of Die Hard. Hehehe...Thanks to Noordin. Had they known it was Ibrohim in the first place, he would have died soon enough.

So this real Noordin (wherever he is now) is a great threat now, na? We don't know where he is now, we only now that he is not too young but restless and he is determined to disintegrate Indonesia. He no longer has place in Malaysia (he's a Malaysian for God sake), so he went to Indonesia, spreading sperms all the way, having wives and kids in many places in Indonesia, and no one cares who he really is. Is it because Indonesian people are very forgiving, or simply stupid people?