
“I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might humbly learn to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hope for; almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I among all men am truly blessed”

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Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

I am an ordinary woman with extraordinary interest in everything

Monday, October 30, 2006

Days of Lebaran Holiday – reflection of first day at work (1)

After one week of laziness and hedonism last Lebaran in Ciumbuleuit (wooops I think today's still Lebaran, in fact my muslim friends say that Lebaran is a whole month of Syawal) now I have to face reality. R E A L I T Y S U C K S!!! it true?

I recall a movie I saw last week at Ciumbuleuit, CLICK starring Adam Sandler. Kris own the DVD film, and it's a very good movie for everyone who wants an easy life, that life is not a boring thing (thanks Kris!). What is boring actually is, when you do not want to face reality. Hmmm...this is usually leads to a philosophical thing that I sometimes interested in, but most of the time hated it.

During my visit to Bandung, I found a shocking experience. I met my childhood friend whose family is in jeopardy. I mean, she's in jeopardy since she is the only person to support the family. What a tough woman! I admire her a lot for the burden she takes, but people have limitations, you know. Two of her 3 brothers have schizophrenia, and no psychologist nor psychiatrist can heal the disease. It's sort of an unrecovered mental illness. Her father’s dead, and her mother is only a widow with none to do. I'm kind of worry about her, but it seems that she's all right. I hope that she can find happiness soon, she deserves it.

When we have dinner after church, I told her story about the movie I saw (CLICK) and the philosophical thing about the movie. It’s about our position in the world, sometimes we are in upper position, and sometimes we’re under. To tell you, the movie doesn’t give me insight about the “up and down” things though, it’s just popped up in my head and I think everyone knows about that. But it’s a shocking to me that my dear friend didn’t know about that. She asked if we’re already in “under”, is it possible we’re in “upper” position later? I replied, everyone experiences the “under” and “upper” situation. I recalled our happy childhood, friendship back there in Sungai Pakning, happy time she had in Sidney instead of me, bla bla bla… Maybe she’s in under position right now, but she would be in upper position later. I hope so….She makes me learn a lot, that I never give thanks for the grateful life God has given me and my family. I just find myself caught in a routine and mumbling all the time that it’s not a fair life I live right now. Thank you God…and thank you my childhood friend, you open my eyes indeed.


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