
“I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might humbly learn to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hope for; almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I among all men am truly blessed”

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Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

I am an ordinary woman with extraordinary interest in everything

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Lesson about "LoVe" and "LuSt"

Today's Valentine Day. Unlike any other days, today must be special. But for me, today's just like any other days in a year. I can do valentine in March, June, or December, not necessarily on February, 14. But I promised myself to write something about the ‘4 letters’ today, just to mark the day. Then here I am, the love expert :-p

Remember the movie “Original Sin”? Somewhere in the scene Antonio or someone (I don’t exactly remember whose part is this scene) was asked about the difference between “lust” and “love”. And he answered, “lust” is about taking something from someone, and love is about giving something to someone. I love that part of scene…hehehe.

Which one is yours? Antonio has the two words consequently. His love toward Angeline has made him loosing his mind as well as his wealthy. The lust he has on Angelina made him being the selfish man in the world. Cannot blame him…who can separate “lust” from “love”? Only God can.

Biological view of love tends to view love as a mammalian drive (like hunger or thirst) and divides love into three parts: lust, attraction and attachment. Psychology views love as a cognitive and social phenomenon, with three different components: intimacy (friendship), commitment, and passion (lust). I happened to read somewhere that ‘marriage’ consists of three different components: 90% commitment, 9% friendship, and 1% passion (lust). And guess what, the 1% lust can make a marriage turn into disaster. What a minority tyrant.

This is not a surprise to biological view, as they suggest that lust is the initial passionate sexual desire that promotes mating, and involves the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen, and they would last within a few weeks. So guys, be careful and check yourself whether “something” you feel toward someone is really love, or just lust? But again, who can separate “love” from “lust”?

Boy, I don’t exactly know what I just wrote! Kabur ah…..

This is my today horoscope, absolutely unrelated to the above topic, but still...I love to quote:

“Your day will be silly and easy today -- just like falling off a log. You can feel free to put your brain on autopilot when it comes to your daily tasks, and save any tough assignments that require intense concentration for another day. You've impressed everyone you need to impress for now. Today is all about taking it easy -- and enjoying the comfort of knowing exactly how to do everything you need to do. This effortless energy will keep you smiling all day long”

That explains why I don’t use my brain effectively today, after the 4 hours morning until afternoon session with 3 professors and a doctor. Hmmmm...what a date, hardly could forget. Oh sir….when will we be flying for fun???!! But I was happy afterwards, for Pak Enoch asked me to join him for a late lunch at Simpang Raya Restaurant. Hmmm…yummy….


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