An ex-student just dropped me a message. Of all her messages, this is the toughest one. She asked me to drop her a line about her classmates (KM Class of 08) to be put in their yearbook. What would I say about them? Powerful mothers loaded with knowledge? :-P
Actually I'm very proud of them. I can tell the difference between them and those from other classes: the effort, the knowledge, the discipline, the organized gestures, the enthusiasm, and many other attributes. That's all. And that represents all the unsaid. What else mbak?
Iin....teach me how to make a poem
Actually I'm very proud of them. I can tell the difference between them and those from other classes: the effort, the knowledge, the discipline, the organized gestures, the enthusiasm, and many other attributes. That's all. And that represents all the unsaid. What else mbak?
Iin....teach me how to make a poem

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