
“I asked God for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might humbly learn to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hope for; almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I among all men am truly blessed”

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Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

I am an ordinary woman with extraordinary interest in everything

Friday, November 03, 2006

Kelakuanku semalam

Yesterday I did a very ridiculous thing. Beginning with halal bi halal (eventually I decided to go upstairs and say hello to all), I met with my dean. She's so panic by the fact that the assessor will be here in less than a week. comment. To make the story short, she told me that she will present the material on Tuesday, and expect to have the presentation slide on her desk as soon as possible.

Back home, I got a quick shower before facing the job. My bed was waiting to be laid, and my TV was on. I had to decide which way to go. Instead I opened my laptop ( menaaaanggg) tapi aneh banget, prosesnya lama banget. Tidak sabar aku langsung buka saja file yang tadi aku kerjakan di kantor. Eeeehhh laptopnya ngambek. Had to restart. Okay, menunggu dia restart (kayaknya memang harus ganti memory card nih...) aku sms-an saja sambil nonton TV. Nguantuuuuuk banget!! Setelah my laptop opened, I opened my file again, sms again, mataku sudah berat banget, abis sms, aku tutup file, tutup laptop, and rushed to my bed. have to wait 'til Monday 'cause I am very sleepy right now.

Mengingat kejadian tadi malam, hari ini aku masih ketawa geli. Ada-ada saja. Aku jadi rada percaya nih sama si Paulo Coelho dalam "The Alchemist"nya yang mengatakan jika anda menginginkan sesuatu inginkan dengan sungguh-sungguh, dan alam akan membantumu. Kalau mau dianalisis, malam itu keinginan untuk menyelesaikan tugasku versus keinginan untuk tidur, lebih besar keinginan untuk tidur, sehingga laptopku membantu dengan cara membuat aku jengkel padanya. Jadilah aku tidur instead of doing my job.


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